Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Floss – and a Fork 9

Last time we discussed foods, we talked about nuts and the benefits of eating more almonds, but today we’ll talk about something to drink… tea!  We discussed coffee before, but did you know that tea has some dental benefits too?

Not only can a cup of tea soothe your nerves, but it’s good for healthy teeth. Black or green tea is a rich source of micro nutrients that reduce gum disease and prevent cavities, according to a 2004 Rutgers University study. Researchers showed antioxidants in green tea, called catechins, reduce gum inflammation.

While some avoid tea for fear of staining teeth, black tea contains polyphenols that produce a protective film that coats and shields teeth from cavity-causing bacteria.

So sit down, brew a cup of tea, and relax. Your teeth and your nerves will thank you!
