There’s No Place Like Home

Time is running out! If you’ve ever seen the Wizard of Oz you know that time almost ran out for Dorothy. Don’t let it happen to you. If you haven’t used your end of the year insurance call us before it’s too late. Click those heels together and come by.

clear glass with red sand grainer
Photo by Pixabay on

We all know there’s no place like Brogdon Dental. On that note we’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our patients and look forward to seeing you again in 2020!


Holiday Pictures

Are you ready for those holiday pictures? This is the time of the year where families get together and that includes those holiday family photos.  Make sure you are ready by calling Brogdon Dental for that end of the year cleaning or teeth whitening you’ve been putting off.  Now is this time! When you stand out in the picture make sure it’s for a good reason.

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Photo by Ilargian Faus on


February Heart Month

Since February is known as Heart Month is there a relationship between your oral health and your heart health?

Heart Disease is defined as cardiovascular disease, and occurs when blood vessels either narrow or become completely blocked, a condition that can lead to a heart attack, stroke or chest pain.  So what does this have to do with your Oral Health?

Recent studies show that if you have gum disease in a moderate or advanced stage, you’re at greater risk for heart disease than someone with healthy gums.

According to, patients with chronic gum conditions such as gingivitis or advanced periodontal disease have the highest risk for heart disease caused by poor oral health, particularly if it remains undiagnosed and unmanaged. The bacteria that are associated with gum infection are in the mouth and can enter the blood stream, where they attach to the blood vessels and increase your risk to cardiovascular disease. 

So what should you do? Regular dental exams and good oral hygiene are two ways to protect yourself against developing gum disease. Visit our office at Brogdon Dental for regular professional teeth cleanings.  We want to keep your heart and your smile healthy as well as beautiful!

Dental Sedation – Is it possible to relax?

Does the thought of going to the dentist for a minor teeth cleaning make you break out in a sweat? Would you rather endure the pain of a toothache than call for a dental appointment?  If you ever feel this way you are not alone.  Many people just like you experience these fears and would rather risk the possibility of future problems than go now for help.

If you are one of those people who avoid the dentist at all costs, sedation dentistry may take away some of your anxiety.  Dental Sedation can be used for everything from more difficult procedures to a simple tooth cleaning.

One of the methods that Dr Brogdon uses is nitrous oxide or laughing gas.  According to WebMD,

You breathe nitrous oxide — otherwise known as “laughing gas” — combined with oxygen through a mask that’s placed over your nose. The gas helps you relax. Your dentist can control the amount of sedation you receive, and the gas tends to wear off quickly. This is the only form of sedation where you may be able to drive yourself home after the procedure.

Sedation is most appropriate for people with a real fear or anxiety that is preventing them from going to the dentist.

You may also need a local anesthetic, a numbing medication at the site where Dr Brogdon will be working in your mouth  to help relieve any pain or discomfort from the procedure.

Some of the possible reasons for Sedation dentistry would be

  • have a low pain threshold
  • can’t sit still in the dentist’s chair
  • have very sensitive teeth
  • have a bad gag reflex
  • need a large amount of dental work completed

If you suffer from dental anxiety, call our office.  Dr Brogdon can talk to you about your fears and help make you more comfortable. Ask him to explain all he will do so you will know what to expect.  Decide before hand a signal such as  raising your hand or give him some sign to let him know if you are experiencing any discomfort.

It helps to know that you have some control of your fears and that Dr Brogdon will listen and act on those fears to help make you feel more comfortable with your visit.  Remember, it is possible to relax during your next dental visit!

Good Dental Hygiene

Working together with your dentist is the first step in good dental hygiene.  Most dentist recommend that you brush your teeth thoroughly, once in the morning and once at night.  Also flossing every day is one of the keys to good dental health.

According to the proper products are important too.

Use products that have the ADA (American Dental Association) seal.  This means that the products — toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc. — are safe to use as directed and will keep your mouth healthy — no gum disease, no cavities.

Here are some basic principles to follow:

  • Spend at least three minutes brushing your teeth two times a day. Use a timer if you have to to ensure that you’re spending enough time on your oral care routine.
  • Use floss at least once a day every day to clean between your teeth.
  • Buy ADA-approved dental cleaning tools and toothpaste.

If you neglect your teeth and fail to visit your dentist on a regular basis plaque can accumulate around your teeth causing your gums to become red and inflamed.  This can  lead to empty spaces around your teeth. These spaces could cause the tissue and bone to break down and you could lose your teeth.

Don’t make the mistake of neglecting your teeth.  Do your part and call us today at Brogdon Dental to schedule an appointment for cleaning.

Heart Disease and Your Teeth

February is American Heart Month and part of having a healthy heart is having healthy teeth.  Recent studies show that adults who had thorough dental cleanings may be somewhat less likely to have a heart attack or stroke than their peers who are less careful about oral hygiene.

According to

But the study is in line with past research that has linked gum disease to an increased risk of heart disease, said lead researcher Dr. Zu-Yin Chen, a cardiology fellow at Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan.  Since gum disease is caused by bacterial infection, researchers suspect that it may contribute to heart attacks or stroke by causing a chronic state of inflammation in blood vessels. And studies have shown that treating gum disease can cut the levels of inflammatory substances in the blood, Chen told Reuters Health in an email. Still, no one knows for sure whether a regular visit to your dentist can prevent a future heart attack.

Although these studies are still being researched, using good dental hygiene can help improve your health.

In recent years, researchers have connected the dots between inflammation in the gums and inflammation in other parts of the body, such as the heart. A study released online Friday in the British Medical Journal suggests that consistent brushing of the teeth may be a significant strategy to reduce the risk of heart disease.

So do your heart a favor, brush your teeth twice a day and set up an appointment with Dr. Brogdon to get a thorough dental cleaning. Not only your teeth, but your heart will thank you!
