Y is for Yellow

Yellow is a beautiful, vibrant color. Think of the sun or sunflowers. Daffodils in the Spring.

What you don’t want to associate yellow with is your teeth. Yellowing can develop with age as your enamel wears down, but also can result in certain foods or drinks. Red wine, coffee and black tea can cause stains as well as colas or sports drinks. Sugars and simple carbohydrates can cause bacteria and discolor teeth.

The use of tobacco can also cause discoloration.

If you think your teeth are more yellow than you want there are some things you can do.

  • Cut back on your coffee, tea or wine drinking as well as your smoking.
  • Drink with a straw. This keeps liquids away from your teeth.
  • Improve your dental hygiene by brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash every day.
  • Have your teeth cleaned every 6 months by your dental hygienist.

By doing these steps you can help reduce the stains you have now. Call our office, Brogdon Dental PC, to set up your cleaning and discuss ways to help keep your teeth looking as good as possible.


We’ve all heard a lot about Kindness lately. A smile can show kindness, but in the last year we’ve not been able to show that because of the Pandemic. But we can show kindness in many other ways. Do we hold the door for someone who’s hands are full? Caught in a rainstorm, to we offer our umbrella to someone who doesn’t have one? Do we make calls to lonely, shut ins that we know? In traffic, do we let someone out or over in our lane that needs to. (That’s a hard one). Simple things can mean so much.

There are many ways to offer kindness. How many times do we smile at others? A smile can say a whole lot even if we say nothing.

If you’ve been neglecting your smile in the last year now is the time to call and see us at Brogdon Dental. Be the reason someone smiles today. Not only will they feel good, but you’ll feel better because of it and it doesn’t cost a thing to be kind.

Photo by Vinicius Wiesehofer on Pexels.com

X is for X Ray

Dentists use X-Rays in order to see diseases of your teeth and surrounding tissues. They help find things that a simple oral exam can’t see. The use of x-rays can also help save you money in the long run by detecting problems you might have early on. This might even help save your life.

According to Web MD there are many reasons why your dentist may ask for X-Rays…

Dental X-rays can be used to:

  • Show areas of decay that may not be visible with an oral exam, especially small areas of decay between teeth
  • Identify decay occurring beneath an existing filling
  • Reveal bone loss that accompanies gum disease.
  • Reveal changes in the bone or in the root canal resulting from infection
  • Assist in the preparation of tooth implants, braces, dentures, or other dental procedures
  • Reveal an abcess (an infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth)

If you are concerned about X-Rays talk to Dr Brogdon about how often X-rays are needed and why they are being taken. He will be glad to answer any of your questions or concerns.

Memorial Day

As we celebrate Memorial Day with Picnics and Family Gatherings, let’s never forget all those who served to make our country free and the sacrifices they made that we could never repay.

We at Brogdon Dental want to thank all those who served and especially our veteran patients. You are the best and we appreciate you!

Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com

Coronavirus and your Immune System

Studies show that good oral hygiene can help maintain a strong immune system. Having a strong immune system can help in the fight against the Coronavirus and other viruses.

cooking hands handwashing health
Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

According to the Wall Street Journal here are a couple of things you can start doing now to help with creating a strong immune system:

• Keep your stress levels down. “Stress can certainly hurt your immune system,” says Morgan Katz, an assistant professor of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University. “Do not panic, try to minimize stress.”

• Exercise. Moderate exercise can help boost your immune system. Take a walk if you need to get out of the house.  Remember to practice social distancing.  And don’t overdo. Too much of a good thing is not always best.

• Get adequate sleep. Seven to eight hours a day are recommended for adults.

• Eat plenty of plain yogurt every day. 

• Watch your diet. Eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water.

• Stop smoking.

In addition to these things, continue to floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day and especially before bedtime. And always, always remember to wash your hands, before and after brushing. We at Brogdon Dental believe that together we can make it though this crisis if we follow good hygiene.  Stay safe and healthy!



Coronavirus and You

During these difficult times, we at Brogdon Dental hope you’re all staying healthy and safe.  Here are a few points to remember at this time:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home if you’re sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Wear a face mask if you are sick
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces often

If you think you are sick:

Call your Doctor: If you think you are have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. DO NOT SHOW UP WITHOUT CALLING FIRST.

Questions of concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?  In Chattanooga, call the Hamilton County Health Department Hotline :  423-209-8383

Practice good hygiene and stay safe everyone!  – Brogdon Dental –


George Washington’s Wooden Teeth?

With President’s Day here we thought we’d talk about George Washington’s wooden teeth, or were they really wooden?  Although many think he had wooden teeth, they were actually made of hippopotamus ivory, brass, gold, and human teeth.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Washington began to lose his teeth by the age of 24, when a dentist pulled his first one. His diary states that he paid 5 shillings to have it removed. He continued to have teeth trouble and that by the age of 30 he had lost them all.  John Adams stated that it was because he used them to crack Brazil nuts, but modern historians say it was from the mercury oxide he took for various aliments.  No matter what the cause, he had over 4 sets of dentures made over his lifetime and they were not very good.

Washington did experience great discomfort and facial disfigurement. No wonder he’s not smiling in most of his pictures!

Modern dentistry has come a long way since Washington was alive.  Procedures now are often painless and leave you with a more attractive smile.

We cannot tell a lie, Brogdon Dental is the best!



Dark Chocolate and your Teeth

When you hear the word Chocolate do you think bad for you and especially bad for your teeth?  We’ve all heard that candy and sweets can cause cavities, but what about chocolate and specifically dark chocolate?  February in particular is the most popular month for giving and receiving chocolates but is that the most healthful gift?

close up photography of chocolate cupcake
Photo by Juhi Sharma on Pexels.com

Studies have shown that Dark Chocolate can be good for you and for your teeth.  According to healthprep.com eating dark chocolate can help release endorphins and reduces depression. In a recent article they state the following:

When an individual falls in love, their brain produces a chemical called phenylethylamine (PEA), which in turn signals the brain to release endorphins that will make the individual feel good. Good quality dark chocolate – though it may not be cheap – contains PEA, so individuals can still help their brain release good endorphins and attempt to mimic the effects of falling in love. PEA is also metabolized into serotonin, which is one of the most effective mood-regulating chemicals the body can produce. Serotonin, in fact, is often referred to as the happy chemical in the brain. Research has linked low serotonin levels to depression, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. If the body is low in serotonin, using dark chocolate and supplementing phenethylamine in this way is a great way to help bring the body back to a good baseline.

But what about your teeth? Can dark chocolate help them as well?  Did you know that chocolate can reduce the risk of tooth decay?  Well not the chocolate but the cocoa bean. So the closer to the bean the better. That’s where dark chocolate comes in to play.  Cocoa beans contain tannins, polyphenols, and flavonoids.  Each contain antioxidants that benefits your mouth and teeth.  Of all the chocolates, dark chocolate is the one that contains more of the cocoa bean, making it the best choice for your teeth and your health.

So don’t deny yourself of a little dark chocolate. It’s good for you!

W is for Whiter Teeth

Do you look in the mirror and wish you had whiter teeth?  We at Brogdon Dental can help.  First we need to determine if your discoloration is from food or drink. It could also be from smoking or just the natural natural process of aging. Genetics, diet, oral hygiene habits, and medication can also affect the color of your teeth.

portrait photo of smiling man with his arms crossed standing in front of white wall
Photo by Italo Melo on Pexels.com

The best thing would be for you to make an appointment with us to decide what is causing the discolorations, how sensitive your teeth are and what type of whitener would be best for you.

Give us a call at Brogdon Dental and let us help you make the best decision for a whiter smile.