March National Nutrition Month

When it comes to proper nutrition, every thing you eat counts. That’s why it’s important to look at all the things you eat to determine if it’s good or bad for your teeth.

Your mouth, teeth and gums, used in chewing and swallowing, are the first steps in the digestion process. This begins the process of delivering nutrients into the body. In addition, if your nutrition is poor, the first signs often show up in your mouth.

Begin now learning to eat a well-balanced diet so that your body can get the nutrients needed for good health and wellness. If your body is low in the proper nutrients,  you may have a hard time fighting infections. A poor diet can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Carbohydrates, sugars and starches help produce plaque acids that attack the tooth enamel, destroying teeth. Also, too much of these can lead to diabetes, heart disease, or even stroke.  Remember to read the labels on every food you purchase.

In order to maintain a balanced diet, try to eat a variety of foods from each of the five major food groups. Stay away from empty calorie foods and those high in sugar.  Choose a healthy stack such as cheese, raw vegetables, plain yogurt, almonds, or a piece of fruit.

Remember to watch what you eat and call us twice a year for your dental check up.


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